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What are diamond blades good for?

Diamond blades are built to cut through the hardest of materials such as cured concrete, asphalt, brick, marble, block, granite, tile, or any material with an aggregate base. The laser set diamonds allow delicate easy cuts through these materials where non-diamond blades would wear faster and create messier cuts.

Synthetic diamonds are resistant in nature and have a high rate of abrasion rate allowing these blades to be a perfect solution for masonry needs.

How do diamond blades work?

The exposed diamond crystals or chips on the segments of the blades grind through the materials being cut. The laser engraved chips are bonded to the segments. As the blade drags across the surface the diamond chips break down across the surface creating a grinding action.

Due to the grinding action, the blades wear down over time. The diamonds are reduced to a fine powder releasing from the blade. As the metal bond on the segment grinds down, more diamond chips are exposed.

Once all the chips are grinded down, your blade will no longer cut.

Innovative engineering such as synthetic diamonds and length in your segments can cause a blade to have a longer life.

How long do diamond blades last?

Life span of your blade will depend on quality of your blade, Rotations on your saw, wet or dry cutting, hardness of material being cut, and technique being used while cutting. If you are not using the blade as intended, the life expectancy of you blade can be half or less

It’s not a simple answer, but your blades should last anywhere from 12 to 120 hours.

What is a diamond core bit? What is a core bit used for?

A diamond core bit is a steel tube with diamond segments attached to one end. Core bits are used to drill holes in materials. They are typically used for drilling holes for air conditioning, water pipes, gas nozzles, electrical wires in walls & floors and furnace ventilation pipes.

What speed is a diamond core bit?

Each drill and core bit will be different based on the recommended rates and the material being cut. Most drills will recommend anywhere from 1,000 – 3,000rpm for the correct operation of your diamond core bit.

The wider a diameter of a core bit the lower the recommended RPM will be. Smaller core bits typically drill with higher rpm.

If you cut too slow you will polish the material you are trying to cut. If you run your rpm to high your job will take a very long time from start to finish. You will know if you are using it wrong when you find there are no diamond chips left on the segments of your blades or the edge appears smooth. You may be able to release more chips by drilling into a soft abrasive material.

What Can A Core Drill be used for?

Mainly used for piercing concrete, core drills are used for running pipe for plumbing fixtures, running wire for phone cables, drainage holes for driveways & garages, dryer & Air conditioning venting, and fireplaces. In industrial jobs they will be used for road coring, manholes, strength tests, and much more. They are also used for diverting water on parking areas and garages.

Coring can also be used for researching purposes. The cylindric shape makes it possible to coring precise holes in excellent condition while creating a hole in the surface.

Is concrete scanning required before coring?

Quite often there is a network of pre-existing cored holes that can be located within the concrete of buildings or roads. These items can include electrical cables, gas lines, water pipes, and much more. Any concrete professional will recommend that you scan before you cut. This can help cut down on hazards and help to avoid disasters.

How important is stability while coring?

Without stability, your cored drilled hole could collapse.

Stability is incredibly important while coring to maintain the surrounding structure. The thin steel wall on CanWest core bits helps lower vibrations and increase stability in your cut. Using a Diamond Wet core bit verses other types of core bits will also help to ensure a clean cored hole.

How do you avoid jamming with your core drill?

Make sure that your Core drill stand is properly mounted and is not moving while drilling.

When coring through steel, lower your rotation speed as much as possible

Always remove the barrel from your cut before disconnecting the stand.

Clean out the core hole often, do not let the slug get to long.

Use good water pressure.

Occasionally release pressure on the drill while drilling.

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