When is concrete considered Green?
Green concrete takes place from 0 to 8 hours after the concrete has been poured. This means that the concrete has started to set but has not hardened completely. When concrete is first poured the concrete has a saturated green hue and this is where the name “Green concrete” comes from. Once dried, the green hue disappears.
With Green concrete, the sand has yet to bond with the mortar blend and this will create an extremely abrasive action once the physics of sawing begins. The slurry generated will also be quite abrasive and undercutting protection will be required for protection of the operator and the diamond blade.
Green concrete cutting is a popular method of getting clean precise cuts for control joint in highways, industrial flooring, driveways, runways, and similar projects.
How soon can you cut Green Concrete?
For most concrete work, cutting should take place within the first 6 to 18 hours and never past 24 hours. Some conditions like weather and mix designs could affect your cutting time. For control joints you will want to saw as soon as the concrete can withstand the energy of the sawing without raveling or dislodging aggregate particles. Cutting too late can lead to unwanted cracks in the concrete, rendering the joints ineffective.
It takes a very precise saw to be able to cut through green concrete. Most conventional saws allow too much movement both laterally and vertically.
If you are not sure how to cut green concrete, or have never cut green concrete before, it is best to call and talk with an expert. If you are a contractor or are an experienced person, please click on this link to be direct to view our green concrete blades.
Contact us for more information or call and ask to speak with a concrete cutting professional.
Need a contractor? Our parent division CanWest Concrete Cutting & Coring has a team specialized in Green Cutting. Our team can help you get perfect control joints without the risk of cracking your own concrete in a DIY project. Visit their website for more information or call 403-225-4445.
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